Travel Insurance

Consider the following scenario: you’re preparing to embark on an exciting vacation. You’ve organized your travel visa, tickets, hotel reservations, and everything else. When you get at your location, you discover that your luggage has gone missing. Or, even worse, you’ve been robbed and are stranded in a foreign country without your passport or cash! Dealing with these issues can be costly and challenging, especially if you’re in a foreign country. That is, however, why travel insurance is so important 

What is it?

avel insurance is a one-of-a-kind policy that provides financial assistance if something goes wrong while you’re on the road. Medical and dental emergencies including COVID-19 treatment, theft of your money or loss of your passport, airline cancellation, and missing or lost luggage are all covered.

  • Accident Expenses
  • Medical Sickness Expenses
  • Trip Cancellation
  • Trip Curtailment & Interruption Benefits
  • Automatic Extension

Additional Covers

Coverage for Trip Cancellation or Interruption

  • Trip cancellation insurance, also known as trip interruption insurance or trip delay insurance, reimburses a traveler for nonrefundable travel expenses that have been paid in advance
  • Providers differ in terms of what constitutes acceptable cancellation and interruption reasons, as well as the amount of reimbursement provided. Illness, a death in the close family, unexpected business problems, and weather-related issues are among the most common acceptable causes.

Personal Effects and Baggage Insurance

  • During a journey, baggage and personal effects coverage protects belongings that are lost, stolen, or destroyed. It could include coverage for travel to and from a certain location.
  • When baggage is lost or damaged as a result of a carrier’s error, most carriers, such as airlines, refund travelers. However, there may be a cap on the amount of money that can be reimbursed. As a result, baggage and personal effects coverage adds an extra degree of security.

Medical Coverage (Short-Term and Long-Term)

  • The two most prevalent types of medical travel insurance policies are short-term medical and major medical coverage.
  • Short-term insurance coverage can last anywhere from five days to a year, depending on the policy. Major medical coverage is for travelers who expect to travel for six months to a year or more.

Coverage for accidental death and flight accidents

  • An accidental death and flight accident coverage gives compensation to surviving beneficiaries if an accident leads in death, disability, or serious injury to the traveler or a family member accompanying the traveler.
  • Accidents and deaths that occur during flights on a certified commercial airliner are covered by flying accident insurance.There will be exclusions, such as death from a drug overdose, death from sickness, and so on.

Benefits of Travel Insurance

  • Expenses for medical emergencies
  • Cashless treatment
  • Complies with legal requirements
  • Coverage of remote areas
  • Safeguard the entire family
  • Coverage throughout the world

Why choose Micro Orbit Fintech's Travel Insurance?

  • Quick and easy process
  • Customization of policy as required
  • Secure Buy/Renewal process
  • Easy process of switching the insurer
  • Completely transparent & quick process
  • With experience of 20+ years in this industry, our team will help you shortlist the best car insurance options available at the industry lowest rates
  • Pricing, benefits, & features side-by-side comparison with all available insurance companies for an easy decision-making process
  • Alerts and information on trending offers and discounts
  • Completely hassle-free process from beginning to end with the industry best deal

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